Providing accommodation, rebuilding lives
AMAT provides supported accommodation that enable people experiencing homelessness to Reclaim, Rebuild and Reshape their lives.
We provide an essential, high-quality service that delivers positive change to a community in need through the provision of safe and suitable accommodation, access to activities, services and partner organisations in the context of support that promotes inclusion, acceptance and tolerance.
We co produce tailored Support Plans and Risk Assessments, centred around the strengths and needs of each individual that we accommodate, and review these regularly to make sure that goals and aims are still relevant and achievable.
Our accommodation is intensively managed, and staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
AMAT UK works very closely with other key agencies, services and organisations in the local community and pride ourselves in excellent partnership working in the community and through our community space, The Hive.
As well as supporting our Residents to move on from and understand the reasons that they became homeless, we also invite them to work with us to improve, shape and develop our services; which is why we regularly survey and consult with the people we accommodate and community members, to ensure that the service that we provide and how we provide it is fit for purpose and can make the most difference to the people that we are here to serve.

It’s a brilliant service. They generally care about helping people